Copenhagen Rust Community

Meetup #39

Details about this event

Novo Nordisk Digital Innovation Hub – Rued Langgaardsvej 5
Meetup #39 on

We are excited to welcome you to Rust meetup #39 sponsored by Fermyon!

Make sure to double-check the date as the meetup will happen on a Wednesday rather than our usual Thursday.

The plan looks as follows:

18:05—18:15: Welcome!

18:15—19:00: “An introduction to Spin, a serverless WebAssembly framework written in Rust” By Mikkel Hegnhoj & Sohan Maheshwar from Fermyon

19:00—19:45: Break and food sponsored by Fermyon

19:50—20:35: "Rust embedded at Espressif" by Scott Mabin from Espressif

20:35—: Hang out and talk

We look forward to seeing you all! 🦀

An introduction to Spin, a serverless WebAssembly framework written in Rust

by Mikkel Hegnhøj

Rust embedded at Espressif

by Scott Mabin